Solution - under the hood
We built behavioral economics insights into HonestyPledge algorithm backed by machine learning, to deliver adaptive nudges for honesty.
We leverage people’s good deeds to influence honesty of others.
We help tired people stay honest, as fatigue facilitates bending the truth.
We recognize people for good behavior to help them stay honest.
We deliver right nudges at the right moment as timing matters for honesty.
How to embed HonestyPledge API
Easy, simple & risk-free integration. Not another complicated IT project.
HonestyPledge is just one decision away
We have made it as simple and risk-free for you as possible. HonestyPledge is not another complicated IT project, you just need to decide where the plug-in will appear in your existing online process.
Less than 60 minutes to integrate
Now that you’ve decided to use HonestyPledge, just sit back and relax. We will integrate our plug-in exactly where you want it in under 60 minutes and with no disruption to your customer experience.
Enjoy the positive impact
Once HonestyPledge is integrated and live you can track the positive impact on your own data. Our pilot-test allows you to compare data to the control group, making it easy to see the improvements.
HonestyPledge library
We offer a range of pledge images and methods to consistently ensure behavioral impact